• HRC2024
  • 6 - 8 Oct 2024

Dr Helen Williams

Helen Williams

Position: Consultant Pharmacist
Location: London UK

Consultant Pharmacist for Cardiovascular Disease,
South London, UK
Clinical Director for AF, Health Innovation Network
Clinical Lead for Cardiovascular Disease, Southwark and Lambeth CCGs
National Clinical Adviser to the AHSNs Collaborative AF Project
Email: helen.williams11@nhs.net

As Consultant Pharmacist for CVD Disease, Helen is involved in a wide range of activities across South London to improve the care of patients with or at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).  Helen chairs the local cardiovascular medicines working group which develops and supports the implementation of consensus evidence-based guidance for use across South London’s 12 clinical commissioning groups and 7 acute trusts, covering a population of 3.6million.  Currently, there is a strong focus on medicines optimisation in primary care for long terms conditions such as heart failure, hypertension and atrial fibrillation with the aim of reducing the burden of acute hospital admissions and she has been involved in supporting primary care practitioners through guideline implementation, clinical audit and provision of pharmacist-led virtual clinics.

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