• HRC2024
  • 6 - 8 Oct 2024

Thank you to Total Merchandise for kindly providing the pens and notepads for Patients Day.

11:00 - 17:00 Arrhythmia Alliance Patients Day Hall 8a
11:00 - 17:00 AF Association Patients Day Hall 8b
11:00 - 17:00 STARS Patients Day - PoTs Hall 7
11:00 - 17:00 STARS Patients Day - Syncope & RAS Executive Room 2

Arrhythmia Alliance Patients Day Arrhythmia Alliance Patients Day - Hall 8a - 11:00 - 17:00

Chair: Dr Kim Rajappan Oxford UK
11:00 Welcome Dr Kim Rajappan Oxford UK
11:05 Am I at risk of heart failure and what are my options? Dr Vishal Luther London UK
11:20 Relationships and my arrhythmia Ms Jean Maloney Sheffield UK
11:40 Patient experience Mr Joe Sievier Stratford Upon Avon UK
12:00 S-ICD versus ICD why does it matter Mr James Fouhy Clonmel IR
12:20 Debate: Treatment options for my arrhythmia: Drugs or devices?
Drugs Ms Helen Eftekhari Coventry UK
Devices Prof Faizel Osman Coventry UK
12:45 Lunch
13:30 Anxiety management for patient and carers with and ICD Dr Stuart Harris Basildon UK
13:45 Cardiomyopathy what does it mean and what options are available Ms Stephanie Cruickshank Surrey UK
14:00 The role of the ICD in heart failure patients Ms Jean Maloney Sheffield UK
14:15 Lifestyle advice for people with an ICD. Do's and don’ts, can's and can'ts Helen Eftekhari Coventry UK
15:00 Break
Chair: Vishal Luther London UK
15:15 Ventricular Tachycardia verses Ventricular Fibrillation what are they and how to treat them Dr Alistair Slade Cornwall UK
15:30 Left Bundle Branch Block Dr Mark Tanner Chichester UK
15:45 Patient experience Ms Lucy Marriott
16:00 Heart block what does it mean and what are my options Vishal Luther London UK
16:15 Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia, what is it and what can be done Prof Faizel Osman Coventry UK
16:30 Long QT - What are my options? Prof Elijah Behr London UK
17:00 Close
In the afternoon there is the opportunity to sit in on one of two breakout sessions; CPVT or SVT for 90 minutes or alternatively you can stay sat in on the main agenda.
CPVT Session
Chair: Dr Jan Till London UK
13:30 Patient experience Ms Ellie Nicholls Essex UK
13:45 CPVT Genetics Dr Samantha Mason London UK
14:00 Living with CPVT – Living with an ICD Ms Catherine Renwick London UK
14:15 Living with CPVT – How can I monitor my heart rate looking at technology that might help Dr Jan Till London UK
14:30 Living with CPVT – What should I say to school/nursery other carers Ms Lucy Green London UK
14:45 Living with CPVT – Whats new in CPVT research Dr Jan Till London UK
15:00 Break
SVT Session
Chair: Dr Francis Murgatroyd London UK
13:30 Ablation for SVT Dr Francis Murgatroyd London UK
13:45 What is SVT and how do I live with it? Dr Boon Lim London UK
14:00 What treatment options are available Prof Faizel Osman Coventry UK
14:15 Patient experience Ms Helen Bradley Bewdley UK
14:30 SVT do not let your GP dismiss it Dr Matt Fay Bradford UK
14:45 Anxiety feeding SVT feeding anxiety and how to cope Dr Matt Fay Bradford UK
15:00 Break

AF Association Patients Day AF Association Patients Day - Hall 8b - 11:00 - 17:00

Chair: Dr Matt Fay Bradford UK
11:00 Welcome Mrs Rachel Harris Chipping Norton UK
11:15 I am in permanent AF what now Prof Faizel Osman Coventry UK
11:45 Patient story Ms Stephanie Cruickshank Surrey UK
12:10 Heart failure what does it mean Dr Vishal Luther London UK
12:45 Lunch
Chair: Dr Kim Rajappan Oxford UK
13:30 Debate - AF Management - who is responsible? GP or EP?
GP Dr Matt Fay Bradford UK
EP Dr Kim Rajappan Oxford UK
14:10 New ablation technology Dr Louisa Malcolme-Lawes London UK
14:30 New technology Prof Nicholas Peters London UK
15:00 Break
15:15 How to support my partner, family member or friend with AF Ms Helen Hodgson Bath UK
15:45 Why is anticoagulation so important Dr Yassir Javaid Northampton UK
16:15 LAAO Prof Prapa Kanagaratnam London UK
16:45 Questions
17:00 Close

STARS Patients Day - PoTs STARS Patients Day - PoTs - Hall 7 - 11:00 - 17:00

Chair: Dr Nick Gall London UK
11:00 Welcome Dr Nick Gall London UK
11:05 Are these palpitations concerning and what shall we do Dr William Foster Worcester UK
11:30 Sleep Prof Lesley Kavi Birmingham UK
12:00 Nutrition Dr Abbi Lulsegged London UK
12:30 Patient Story Ms Catherine Wahlberg Leamington Spa UK
12:45 Lunch
Chair: Dr Robert Sheldon Calgary CA
13:30 Exercise Ms Catherine Best, Dr Valeria Iodice London UK, London UK
14:15 This house believes that tilt table testing is the definitive test for PoTS
Pro Dr William Foster Worcester UK
Con Dr Robert Sheldon Calgary CA
15:00 Break
15:15 Does medication really help Dr Nick Gall London UK
15:45 Update on the year - Are GPs now more knowledgeable about PoTS? Mrs Trudie Lobban MBE Chipping Norton UK
16:15 Dysautonomia - how does this differ from PoTS? Dr Robert Sheldon Calgary CA
16:30 Questions
17:00 Close

STARS Patients Day - Syncope & RAS STARS Patients Day - Syncope & RAS - Executive Room 2 - 11:00 - 17:00

Chair: Prof Richard Sutton Monte Carlo MC
11:00 Patient story Ms Grace Spencer, Ms Kate Spencer Ticehurst UK, Ticehurst UK
11:30 Update Mrs Rachel Harris Chipping Norton UK
11:45 Managing your symptoms Dr Robert Sheldon Calgary CA
12:15 The fainting teenager Dr Iain Parsons London UK
12:45 Lunch
13:30 RAS, epilepsy or breath holding? Yes, there is a difference. Anoxic epileptic seizures (AES) Dr William Whitehouse Nottingham UK
14:30 Surprising things that make you faint Dr Nick Gall London UK
15:00 Break
15:15 Young syncope patients should be fitted with a device or pacemaker if experiencing frequent episodes-arguments - against Prof Richard Sutton Monte Carlo MC
15:45 The role of the pacemaker in syncope patients Dr William Foster Worcester UK
16:15 Why fainting should never be dismissed Dr Boon Lim London UK
16:45 Questions
17:00 Close

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