• HRC2024
  • 6 - 8 Oct 2024

Dr Julia Reynolds

Julia Reynolds

Speaking at: HRC2018

Position: Associate Director, Innovation Agency – Academic Health Science Network for the North West Coast

Julia has worked for over 20 years in the public sector and held a number of senior roles that have included working with the NHS and the academic sector both regionally and nationally. Julia has led a number of national Programmes including with the National Institute for Innovation and Improvement, Healthy Place Healthy Live Programme and NIHR – School for Primary Care Research and Collaboration for Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC). Julia obtained her PhD from the University of Liverpool.

Julia’s current role in the Innovation Agency reflects her passion in knowledge mobilisation and putting evidence-based innovation into practice to achieve impact for the benefit of patients. Julia currently leads on spread and adoption programmes in: Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Prevention, (personalised medicine; innovative technology such as mobile ECG devices; patients activation and self-management; digital health and use of big data). Julia also has a leading role in the Connected Health Cities Programme, which is developing systems for linking data and using it more effectively in care pathways in COPD, Alcohol and Seizures across the region.

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