• HRC2025
  • 5 - 7 Oct 2025

Dr Mehran Asgari

Mehran Asgari

Speaking at: HRC2024

Position: Consultant Cardiologist
Location: Inverness, UK

Dr Asgari’s main area of interest is in the field of device implantation for arrhythmia and heart failure. He has experience in setting up dedicated syncope services and in writing local syncope referral guidelines. He has number of publications regarding syncope management and POTS. He has worked closely with the primary care physicians in terms of improving the standard of care offered to the syncope patients in the community. He has written patient information syncope leaflets for various NHS Trusts. He has been the program director and lecturer in a number of international educational events. He is also a Trustee of STARS (Syncope Trust And Reflex anoxic Seizures).

He has set up stress echocardiography service and he has led the service. He is passionate in teaching medical students, specialist nurses and cardiology registrars. He has number of publications, including being one of the contributors to the “POTS. A Concise and Practical Guide to Management and Associated Conditions”. 

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