• HRC2024
  • 6 - 8 Oct 2024

Dr Stephanie Harrison

Stephanie Harrison

Position: Epidemiologist and Tenure Track Fellow
Location: Liverpool, UK

Dr Harrison is an epidemiologist and tenure track fellow at the Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science at the University of Liverpool. Dr Harrison completed her BSc in Biomedical Sciences, MSc in Public Health Research and PhD at the University of Newcastle. Dr Harrison’s PhD involved researching cardiovascular risk models and associations with cognitive decline in older adults. Dr Harrison then moved to Adelaide, Australia where she held post-doctoral research positions at Flinders University and the South Australian Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) focusing on factors impacting health and quality of life for the older population living in long-term care settings. Dr Harrison has been employed at the University of Liverpool since August 2019 and her research focuses on risk factors for atrial fibrillation, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and outcomes for people with these conditions. Dr Harrison also researches evidence-based approaches to improving cardiovascular care for older people living in long-term care settings.

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