• HRC2025
  • 5 - 7 Oct 2025
Arrhythmia Alliance Symposia 1 On-demand
Arrhythmia Alliance Symposia 2 - Emerging Technologies and New Practices in Cardiac Management On-demand

Arrhythmia Alliance Symposia 1 - On-demand -

Chair: Dr Fozia Ahmed Manchester, UK
Implications of national cardiology GIRFT report for CRM - is it realistic or aspirational (or delusional)?
Device follow up 2021 - what is frequency of optimal device follow up Dr John Paisey Southampton, UK
Remote monitoring for all - implications and affordability for a bradycardia population Ms Caroline Green Manchester, UK
Should leadless pacemakers be the new standard of care in bradycardia pacing - implications for UK practice: Present and future Dr Chris Pepper Leeds, UK
Cardiac pacing - His bundle, septal and LBBB pacing or keep it simple Dr Paul Foley Swindon, UK
Clinical evidence and implant challenges Prof Aldo Rinaldi London, UK
Device complications - how to minmise risk Dr Honey Thomas Northumbria, UK
Challenging device cases: Venoplasty tips and tricks Dr Andrew Turley Middlesbrough, UK
MRI and cardiac devices: Why is this still an issue? Dr Martin Lowe London, UK
Chair: Dr Guy Haywood Plymouth, UK
ECG - practical tips and tricks for the non specialist Dr Stephen Murray Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Cardiac anatomy for CRM specialist Prof Sabine Ernst London, UK
Arrhythmias during pregnancy Dr Dawn Adamson Coventry, UK
Ventriuclar ectopy - when to worry and management options Dr Lee Graham Leeds, UK
Arrhythmias in Athletes: What to Do? Dr David Begley Cambridge, UK
Primary prevention ICD therapy - time for a rethink Dr Andrew Flett Southampton, UK
Dilated cardiomyopathy - what is OMT in 2021 Dr Matthew Dewhurst Stockton on Tees, UK
LV remodelling - when to decide on device therapy in DCM Prof Roy Gardner Glasgow, UK
Predicting SCD: Beyond EF Prof Andre Ng Leicester, UK
ATP or no ATP for primary prevention ICDs Prof Neil Herring Oxford, UK

Arrhythmia Alliance Symposia 2 - Emerging Technologies and New Practices in Cardiac Management - On-demand -

Chair: Prof Dhiraj Gupta, Prof Tim Betts Liverpool, UK, Oxford, UK
Pulsed field ablation of AF Prof Pierre Jais Bordeaux, FR
Advances in leadless pacing Prof Vivek Reddy New York, US
COVID-19 and remote monitoring - lessons for the future Ms Cristiana Monteiro Oxford, UK
Cardiac radiotherapy for VT Prof Ross Hunter London, UK
Sources and contemporary recordings of electrocardiograms Professor Andrew Grace Cambridge, UK
Laser ablation Dr Scott Gall Blackpool, UK

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